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Giving and Generosity

As the people of God, we are also managers/stewards of God’s resources and provisions.  Generosity is a spiritual practice along with gratitude and compassion. Generosity strengthens our relationship with God and other people. Generosity can be the gift of money, time, or skills. At the heart of generosity are the greatest commandments to “love the Lord with all of your heart, mind, and soul and to love your neighbors as yourself.” Your gifts of money, time, and skills fuel the mission and ministry of Jesus. With grateful hearts, we are thankful for your support.


Drop off your donation in person, in the church office, in the offering plate at the back of the sanctuary, or mail to 213501 Legacy Street, Stratford, WI 54484.


Designate Zion Lutheran Church as the recipient of your Thrivent Choice Dollars.


Zion Lutheran welcomes special gifts, memorials, and bequests to the church and its recognized causes.  Such gifts fulfill mutual needs:  the donor finds a meaningful way to express gratitude, love and remembrance; and the gifts further the growth of the church, its ministries and stewardship opportunities. 


All that we have comes from God. God calls us to be good stewards/managers of God’s created world. Children learn about God’s provision and our call from Jesus to love and serve the neighbor. The Children’s Globe is a physical globe at the back of the sanctuary for children to give their own offerings to support our neighbors both locally and globally. Each year the children select an organization to support with their gifts.