Adult Ministry
Zion Lutheran Stratford believes that learning, exploring and being curious are parts of growing our faith in Jesus. There are a variety of opportunities depending on your interest, needs, passions and available time.
Dwelling in the Word
Come for a Bible study and discussion on Wednesday mornings at 10:00 a.m. (September – May). We will be studying scripture for the upcoming Sunday worship. No experience needed. No memorization required. It is a time of learning and exploring God’s Word together. Interim Pastor Andrea Fluegel facilitates the discussion.
Small Groups
Small Group opportunities to study the Bible will begin in September. A variety of topics and Books of the Bible will be available for study and discussion. Check out the small group page for a list of opportunities.
Spiritual Practices
Spiritual Practices help us to connect with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit as well as to other people. They root us and ground us in God’s Word and the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-26). There are a variety of different spiritual practices. This is not an exhaustive list. Sometimes a spiritual practice you have been doing for a while, doesn’t speak to you during a certain period of your life. Try something new. Experiment. If you are able, light a candle before you begin to acknowledge Jesus’ presence. Set up a space or a place to be intentional about connecting with God through Jesus.
Book Study and Summer Reading List
Being a disciple of Jesus means being curious and a lifelong learner. Throughout the year, there will be opportunities to read and discuss books related to our life as a follower of Jesus. Check out the small group page for a list of opportunities.
A variety of books, devotionals and media are available for check out in the church library, located near the Commons area.
Synod Lay School
The Lay School of Ministry (LSM) is an educational ministry of the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin (ELCA), which assists lay people to a deeper Christian identity and participation in the mission of the whole church.
The curriculum and educational objectives of the Lay School of Ministry emphasize the baptismal vocation of all Christians. Courses are designed to help students develop a deeper understanding of the Bible, Worship, Spirituality, Christian History and Lutheran Theology.